CoD MW3 & Warzone: Season 3 ist online – Patch Notes & Inhalt

Heute startet in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 und Warzone Season 3. Hier bekommt ihr alle Infos zum Update, dem Content und den Patch Notes in einer Übersicht.

Was ist neu in Season 3? Season 3 startet heute, am 3. April in CoD: MW3 und Warzone und bringt einen Haufen neuer Inhalte in den Shooter:

Es wird vier neue Waffen und acht neue Aftermarket-Bauteile geben

Der Multiplayer erhält weitere Spielmodi und neue Maps

Auch in Warzone kehrt eine bekannte Map zurück

Es wird 6 neue Operators geben (Banshee, Hush, Snoop Dogg, Stasis, Cheech und Chong)

Eine Änderung in Season 3 betrifft die XP, wenn ihr in einer Gruppe spielt: Es wurde ein Bonus hinzugefügt, mit dem ihr mehr XP in Abhängigkeit von der Gruppengröße erhaltet.

Auf dem offiziellen CoD-Blog veröffentlichten die Entwickler heute die Patch Notes zu Season 3 – und die sind mit den neuen Inhalten, Änderungen und Bugfixes ziemlich umfangreich. Wir fassen die Highlights zusammen.

Einen Einblick in die neuen Inhalte im Multiplayer bietet euch der Trailer:

CoD MW3: Season 3 Multiplayer Trailer


Neue Maps, Modi, Waffen und Bauteile

Welche neuen Maps kommen in Season 3? In Season 3 kommen insgesamt sechs neue Maps für den Multiplayer:


6 Star



Grime (innerhalb der Season)

Checkpoint (innerhalb der Season)

Welche neuen Modi kommen in Season 3? Aktuell sind vier Modi bekannt, die in Season 3 für den Multiplayer dazukommen. Laut Entwickler sollen weitere folgen.

Capture the Flag

One in the Chamber

Minefield (In-Season)

Escort (In-Season)

Welche neuen Waffen kommen in Season 3? In Season 3 kommen vier Waffen dazu, die ihr im Multiplayer, Zombiemodus, aber auch in Warzone nutzen könnt. Drei von ihnen schaltet ihr über den neuen Battle Pass frei, eine kommt im Verlauf der Season dazu:

FJX Horus (Maschinenpistole) – Kommt zum Season-Start, erhältlich über den Battle Pass Sektor 8

MORS (Scharfschützengewehr) – Kommt zum Season-Start, erhältlich über den Battle Pass Sektor 4

Gladiator (Nahkampfwaffe) – Kommt zum Season-Start, erhältlich über den Battle Pass Sektor 15

BAL-27 (Sturmgewehr) – Kommt im Verlauf der Season

Welche neuen Aftermarket-Bauteile kommen in Season 3? Es wird acht neue Aftermarket-Bauteile geben, von denen die meisten über wöchentliche Herausforderungen freischaltbar sind. Die Bauteile ermöglichen ungewöhnliche Modifikationen für verschiedene Waffen:

JAK Cutthroat

JAK Revenger Kit

JAK Jawbreaker

JAK Shadow Titan Kit

JAK Patriot


JAK Atlas Kit

Photonic Charge Barrel

Mehr zu den Bauteilen und den Inhalten in Season 3 erfahrt ihr hier:

Mehr zum Thema

Mehr zum Thema
CoD MW3: Season 3 startet heute – Alles zu Roadmap, Start und Inhalten

von Nicole Wakulczyk

Was hat es mit dem XP-Bonus auf sich? Mit Season 3 wurde außerdem an den XP geschraubt, wenn ihr in einer Gruppe spielt. So belohnt euch das Spiel mit mehr XP, je größer euer Team ist:

2 Spieler: +25 % XP auf Rang und Waffen

3 Spieler: +25 % XP auf Rang, Waffen, und Battle Pass

4+ Spieler: +30 % XP auf Rang, Waffen, und Battle Pass

Rebirth Island kehrt in Warzone zurück

Was ändert sich in Warzone? Mit dem Launch von Season 3 kehrt die Map Rebirth Island mit 11 wichtigen Points of Interest zu CoD Warzone zurück und erhält Einzug in den Resurgence-Modus und in den Ranked Modus. Es wird neue Modi und Gameplay-Features in Warzone geben sowie eine neue Champions Quest auf Rebirth Island.

Mit dem „Warzone Bootcamp“ kommt ein Trainingsmodus ins Spiel, in dem ihr gegen „echte“ Spieler, aber auch gegen Bots spielt. Die Ergebnisse werden nicht auf die Statistik angerechnet und der Fortschritt ist auf den Modus begrenzt.

Innerhalb der Season kommen „Infil-Strikes“ in Warzone und damit eine neue Ergänzung, seltene dynamische Zerstörungsszenarien zu erleben. So wird das Dach des Gefängnisses, das einer der größten Anziehungspunkte auf der Map ist, in zwei Teile geteilt. Die Spieler können das Dach dann vom mittleren Innenbereich des Gefängnisses aus betreten.

Nachfolgend listen wir euch die vollständigen Patch Notes zu dem Update für Season 3 in CoD: MW3 und Warzone auf. Aktuell sind sie nur auf Englisch verfügbar.

Season 3 Patch Notes Multiplayer

Mit Season 3 werden einige Änderungen an den Waffen vorgenommen. So wurden störende visuelle Effekte beim Abfeuern von MW2-Waffen verringert, um sie den MW3-Standards anzugleichen. Zusätzlich wollen die Entwickler eine Verbesserung des Gefühls beim Zielen ermöglichen. Mit dem heutigen Update wurde das zufällige Schwanken beim Zielen entfernt, um Bewegungen vorhersehbarer zu machen.

Patch Notes Waffen & Aufsätze

Weapons & Attachments

» Assault Rifles «


Decreased neck damage multiplier from 1.3x to 1x (-23%).

Holger 556

Decreased upper leg, lower leg, and foot damage multipliers from 1x to 0.85x (-15%).

The Holger 556 now requires shots to land above the waist for a 4-shot kill.


Decreased headshot damage multiplier from 1.3x to 1.1x (+15%).

With the MCW, 1 headshot will no longer result in a 4-shot kill.


Increased sprint to fire time from 178ms to 199ms (+12%).

» Battle Rifles «

SOA Subverter

Increased sprint to fire time from 256ms to 268ms (+5%).

Increased aim down sight time from 270ms to 290ms (+7%).


Decreased rate of fire from 667rpm to 600rpm (-10%).

Decreased recoil center speed by 6%.

JAK Outlaw-277 Kit

Decreased sprint to fire time from 252ms to 226ms (-10%).

Decreased aim down sight time from 300ms to 240ms (-20%).

Decreased aim down sight rate of fire penalty from 150% to 135%.

Increased medium damage from 74 to 90 (+22%)

Increased minimum damage from 70 to 90 (+29%).

The JAK Outlaw-277 Kit is now a maximum of 2-shots to kill to all body locations.


Decreased sprint to fire time from 231ms to 210ms (-9%).

Increased bullet velocity from 600m/s to 770m/s (+28%).

» Submachine Guns «


Decreased sprint to fire time from 178ms to 147ms (-17%).


Decreased sprint to fire time from 189ms to 136ms (-28%).


Increased sprint to fire time from 93ms to 110ms (+18%).

Decreased near-medium damage from 27 to 25 (-7%).

Decreased medium damage from 25 to 23 (-8%).

Decreased lower torso, lower arm, and hand damage multipliers from 1.1x to 1x (-9%).


Increased sprint to fire time from 94ms to 110ms (+17%).

Striker 9

Increased sprint to fire time from 100ms to 103ms (+3%).


Increased sprint to fire time from 100ms to 110ms (+10%).


Increased sprint to fire time from 88ms to 110ms (+25%).

WSP Swarm

Increased sprint to fire time from 88ms to 99ms (+13%).

» Shotguns «

Added Long Haul 50 and Wolfcall 300 Muzzle Attachments to MWIII Shotguns.

» Light Machine Guns «

TAQ Evolvere

Increased sprint to fire time from 245ms to 257ms (+5%).

Increased aim down sight time from 385ms to 415ms (+8%).

7.62 Belt Magazines

Decreased neck damage multiplier from 1.4x to 1.2x (-14%).

5.56 Belt Magazines

Decreased rate of fire from 857rpm to 789rpm (-8%).

Bruen Mk9

Decreased aim down sight time from 410ms to 350ms (-15%).


Increased sprint to fire time from 199ms to 216ms (+9%).

Increased aim down sight time from 330ms to 380ms (+15%).

Increased neck damage multiplier from 1x to 1.3x (+30%).

Increased upper torso damage multiplier from 1x to 1.2x (+20%).

Increased leg and foot damage multipliers from 0.9x to 1x (+11%).

» Marksman Rifles «

MTZ Interceptor

Increased aim down sight time from 280ms to 300ms (+7%).

Decreased medium damage from 88 to 83 (-6%).

Decreased minimum damage from 84 to 77 (-8%).

Decreased near-medium damage range from 44.5m to 38.1m (-14%).

» Sniper Rifles «

XRK Stalker

Increased aim down sight time from 580ms to 600ms (+3%).

KV Inhibitor

Increased aim down sight time from 540ms to 580ms (+7%).

SP-X 80 (MWII)

Increased sprint to fire time from 270ms to 310ms (+15%).

Increased aim down sight time from 570ms to 590ms (+4%).

» Handguns «


12.7x55mm Snake Shot Ammunition

Increased minimum damage range and bullet termination range from 14.5m to 19.6m (+35%).

WSP Stinger

Akimbo WSP Stinger Rear Grip

Increased rate of fire from 600rpm to 750rpm (+25%).

» Attachments «

Added initial aim accuracy benefit to all Heavy Bolts for Sniper Rifles.

Cronen INTLAS MSP-12 Optic

Laser is no longer visible to enemies at the hip.

SL Razorhawk Laser Light

Flashlight is no longer visible to enemies at the hip.

Laser is no longer visible to enemies at the hip.

CS15 Scarlet Box Laser

Laser is no longer visible to enemies.

Verdant Hook Box Laser

Laser is no longer visible to enemies at the hip.

VT-7 Spiritfire Suppressor Muzzle

Increased sprint to fire speed penalty from 2% to 5%.

L4R Flash Hider Muzzle

Decreased horizontal recoil control benefit from 13% to 10%.

DR-6 Handstop Underbarrel

Decreased aim down sight movement speed benefit by 3-4%, dependent upon Weapon Class.

Bruen Heavy Support Grip Underbarrel

Decreased horizontal recoil control benefit from 12% to 8%.


Revised Vest descriptions to clarify the max ammo benefit does not apply to Launchers.

Quick-Grip Gloves (Gloves)

Increased weapon swap speed benefit to a minimum of 40%, differing by Weapon.

Ordnance Gloves (Gloves)

Added a 20% Equipment, Field Upgrade, and Killstreak use speed benefit.

Marksman Gloves (Gloves)

Resolved an issue causing the 15% sway reduction benefit to not apply.


Stun Grenade (Tactical)

Decreased victim aim slowness duration to 300ms.

Removed aim slowness effect on victim’s equipped with Tac Mask (Gear).

Victim movement and aim slowness now linearly scales down throughout the stun duration.

Decoy Grenade (Tactical)

While the Decoy Grenade is active, the player who threw it now gains the effects of Assassin Vest while standing within 20.3m of it.

Flash Grenade (Tactical)

Decreased close-range stun duration 4s to 3.5s (-13%).

Increased medium-range stun duration from 2.35s to 2.75s (+17%).

Increased far-range stun duration from 0.45s to 1s (+122%).

Frag Grenade (Lethal)

Decreased inner explosive damage from 250 to 225 (-10%).

Decreased intermediate explosive damage from 150 to 130 (-13%).

Thermite (Lethal)

Increased incendiary damage tick rate from 2/s to 4/s (+100%).

Decreased inner incendiary damage from 38 to 25 (-34%).

Decreased outer incendiary damage from 15 to 10 (-33%).

All changes considered, the incendiary damage output of Thermite is increased by 33%.

Thermobaric Grenade (Lethal)

Increased explosive damage radius from 8.6m to 9.5m (+10%).

Increased inner explosive damage from 90 to 100 (+11%).

Increased intermediate explosive damage from 80 to 90 (+13%).

Increased fire damage tick rate from 4/s to 5/s (+25%).

Drill Charge (Lethal)

Decreased surface burrowing time from 1.25s to 0.75s (-40%).

C4 (Lethal)

Detonation can no longer occur until stuck to a surface for 500ms.

Increased thrown velocity by 15%.

Breacher Drone (Lethal)

Increased drone health from 1 to 55.

Increased drone velocity by 25%.

Field Upgrades

Heartbeat Sensor

Addressed an issue causing battery life to be reset to 100% upon being put away.

Recon Drone

Resolved an issue preventing a warning message when flying out of bounds.



Addressed an issue preventing explosives from damaging players in specific locations.


Player will no longer become stuck firing their Weapon if killed while controlling the Wheelson-HS.


Decreased minimum delay from target acquisition to attack from 500ms to 200ms (-60%).

Decreased maximum delay from target acquisition to attack from 800ms to 500ms (-38%).

Increased drone attack velocity by 75%.

Increased drone attack damage radius to 8.9m.

Note: Swarm balance adjustments went live in an update prior to Season 3.

Patch Notes UIX, Gameplay & Fortschritt


Added an unlock status and game origin filter for Operators and the ability to sort by latest additions and name.

Added a new option to the Settings menu to test all speakers in the current audio setup.

Seasonal cinematic cutscenes can now be skipped.

Tac-Stance status is now indicated on the HUD in the Firing Range.

Weapon Mastery Emblem unlock requirements are now displayed in the Customization menu.

Adjusted various Attachment descriptions and Pros/Cons listed in the Gunsmith to better reflect their true attributes.

Gunsmith Attachment Filters

Changed filter combination logic from AND to OR.

Selected filters are now reset after each game session.

Removed redundant Locked and Unlocked filters.

Filters button now displays actively engaged filters.

Bug Fixes

Killstreak HUD overlays will no longer persist after destruction by the Stormender.

Additional Perk slots are now displayed correctly in the Killcam.

Applying certain Weapon filters will no longer unexpectedly kick the player back to the menu.

Improved alignment of values in columns on the Scoreboard.

Addressed an issue causing Weapon Mastery Challenges to not accurately display the progress of previous completions.

Calling Card unlock criteria will now consistently appear upon hover.

Resolved an issue preventing certain Emblems from being added to Favorites.


Decreased obstructive VFX while firing MWII Weapons to align with MWIII standards.

Removed variance from ADS Idle Sway, allowing a predictable sway pattern.

Our next step toward improving the feeling of aiming across all input devices in Modern Warfare III arrives in Season 3. As previously detailed, aimed down sight idle sway discourages players from holding their sights for an extended period of time with a constant, subtle motion that introduces slight inaccuracy.

In today’s update, we’ve removed variance from aimed down sight idle sway, resulting in a predictable and consistent motion curve. This change raises the skill ceiling and rewards players who take the time to master their favorite Weapons.


Added Party Bonus XP, allowing players to earn more XP dependent upon the party size.

2 Players: +25% Rank and Weapon XP

3 Players: +25% Rank, Weapon, and Battle Pass XP

4+ Players: +30% Rank, Weapon, and Battle Pass XP

Added an Armory Unlock Challenge for the Trebuchet Brake Muzzle Attachment.

Patch Notes Maps & Modi



Addressed an exploit that allowed players to hide within geo near the Plane.

Das Haus

Set factions to Spetsnaz and Rangers, resolving an issue causing missing announcer voicelines.

Added spawn points in the Storeroom in Team Deathmatch, Domination, and Free for All Modes.


Added spawn points throughout the map in Team Deathmatch, Domination, and Hardpoint Modes.

Removed specific spawn points near the Loading Dock to prevent spawning in the line of sight of an enemy.


Addressed an exploit near the Industrial Road that allowed players to exit the playable area.


Renamed Shipmas to Shipment as it is now the permanent experience.

Added collision to prevent players from accessing an unintended ledge near the Drug Stash.


In Hardpoint, players can no longer contest the Destroyed Apartment hill from an unintended location near the window.


Players can no longer exit the playable area through the roof of the Red Warehouse.


Set factions to OpFor and Task Force 141, resolving an issue causing missing announcer voicelines.


Added collision to prevent bullet collision through the staircases near the Marketplace and Tower.

Operation Tin Man (War)

Players will no longer be prompted to use a turret occupied by another player.

Players who join a match in progress can now see the control panels during the first objective phase.


Private Match

While the CDL Rulset is active, team kill penalties will no longer stack.

Snipers Only (Limited-Time Mode)

Restricted Killstreaks to UAV, Advanced UAV, and MGB.

Disabled melee attacks, including Fists.

Mehr zum Thema

Mehr zum Thema
CoD MW3: Mit einer neuen Killstreak macht ihr den Campern in Warzone das Leben schwer

von Nicole Wakulczyk

Mehr zum Thema
CoD MW3: Ein neues Visier wird sofort in den stärksten Meta-Builds genutzt, weil euer Rückstoß dadurch geringer wirkt

von Nicole Wakulczyk

Season 3 Patch Notes Warzone

In Warzone kommen Rebirth Island zurück ins Spiel und mehrere Modi ziehen ein. Auch hier wurden die Waffen hinsichtlich der störenden visuellen Effekte und dem Ziel-Schwanken angepasst. Die Semtex wurde geschwächt, damit Spieler auch auf andere Granaten ausweichen und faire Alternativen haben.

Patch Notes Waffen & Aufsätze

General Adjustments

Decreased obstructive VFX while firing MWII Weapons to align with MWIII standards.

Removed variance from ADS Idle Sway, allowing a predictable sway pattern.

Our next step toward improving the responsiveness and accuracy of aiming across all input devices in Modern Warfare III arrives in Season 3. As previously detailed, this mechanic discourages players from holding their sights for an extended period of time with a constant, subtle motion that introduces slight inaccuracy.

In today’s update, we’ve removed variance from ADS Idle Sway, resulting in a predictable and consistent motion curve. This change raises the skill ceiling and rewards players who take the time to master their favorite Weapons.


Max Damage decreased to 32, down from 36.

Near-Mid Damage decreased to 28, down from 30.

Max Damage Range decreased to 24.13 meters, down from 26.67.

Head Modifier decreased to 1.2x, down from 1.3x.

Neck Modifier decreased to 1x, down from 1.3x.


Increased sprint to fire time to 199ms, up from 178ms.

Lachmann 556 (MW2)

Max Damage increased to 28, up from 24.

Near-Mid Damage increased to 24, up from 21.

Neck Modifier increased to 1.1x, up from 1.06x.

Upper Torso Modifier increased to 1.1x, up from 1.06x.

Arm and Hand modifier increased to 1.1x, up from 1x.

M13C (MW2)

Max Damage Range increased to 21.59 meters, up from 17.78.

FR Avancer (MW2)

Arm and Hand Modifiers increased to 1.12x, up from 1.06x.

Tempus Razorback (MW2)

Max Damage increased to 28, up from 27.

Arm and Hand Modifiers increased to 1x, up from 0.9x.


Decreased rate of fire to 600rpm, down from 667rpm.

Decreased recoil center speed by 6%.

JAK Outlaw-277

Max Damage decreased to 90, down from 100.

Near-Mid Damage Range decreased to 25.4 meters, down from 27.94.

Head Modifier decreased to 1.4x, down from 1.6x.

Upper Torso and Arms Modifiers decreased to 1.1x, down from 1.3x.

Decreased sprint to fire time to 226ms, down from 252ms.

Decreased aim down sight time to 240ms, down from 300ms.

Decreased aim down sight rate of fire penalty to 135%, down from 150%.


Max Damage decreased to 38, down from 40.

Near-Mid Damage decreased to 35, down from 38.

SOA Subverter

Max Damage Range decreased to 22.86 meters, down from 25.4.

Near-Mid Damage Range decreased to 41.91 meters, down from 46.23.

Increased sprint to fire time to 268ms, up from 256ms.

Increased aim down sight time to 290ms, up from 270ms.


Decreased sprint to fire time to 210ms, down from 231ms.

Increased bullet velocity to 770m/s, up from 600m/s.


Max Damage decreased to 27, down from 30.

Decreased sprint to fire time to 147ms, down from 178ms.


Max Damage decreased to 27, down from 31.

Min Damage decreased to 22, down from 25.

Near-Mid Damage decreased to 25, down from 27.

Max Damage Range decreased to 17.78 meters, down from 22.86.

Near-Mid Damage Range decreased to 34.29 meters, down from 40.64.

Decreased sprint to fire time to 136ms, down from 189ms.


Increased sprint to fire time to 110ms, up from 93ms.


Increased sprint to fire time to 110ms, up from 94ms.


Increased sprint to fire time to 110ms, up from 100ms.

Striker 9

Max Damage Range increased to 12.19 meters, up from 10.67.

Increased sprint to fire time to 103ms, up from 100ms.


Increased sprint to fire time to 110ms, up from 88ms.

WSP Swarm

Increased sprint to fire time to 99ms, up from 88ms.

MX9 (MW2)

Near-Mid Damage increased to 28, up from 26.

Max Damage Range increased to 11.17 meters, up from 9.65.

Lachmann Sub (MW2)

Max Damage increased to 28, up from 27.

Max Damage Range increased to 9.65 meters, up from 8.25.


Max Damage increased to 28, up from 26.

Bruen MK9

Min Damage decreased to 24, down from 26.

Decreased aim down sight time to 350ms, down from 410ms.

TAQ Eradicator

Max Damage increased to 30, up from 28.

TAQ Evolvere

Increased sprint to fire time to 257ms, up from 245ms.

Increased aim down sight time to 415ms, up from 385ms.

5.56 Belt Magazines

Decreased rate of fire to 789rpm, down from 857rpm.


Upper Torso & Neck Modifier increased 1.1x, up from 1.08x.

Arm and Hand Modifier increased to 1.1x, up from 0.95x.

HCR 56 (MW2)

Max Damage Range increased to 33.65 meters, up from 30.73.

Arm and Hand Modifiers increased to 1.1x, up from 0.99x.

Leg Modifier increased to 1x, up from 0.95x.


Increased sprint to fire time to 216ms, up from 199ms.

Increased aim down sight time to 380ms, up from 330ms.

Tempus Torrent (MW2)

Max Damage decreased to 70, down from 74.

XRK Stalker

Increased aim down sight time to 600ms, up from 580ms.

KV Inhibitor

Increased aim down sight time to 580ms, up from 540ms.

SP-X 80 (MW2)

Increased sprint to fire time to 310ms, up from 270ms.

Increased aim down sight time to 590ms, up from 570ms.


Max Damage Range increased to 12.95 meters, up from 11.68.

WSP Stinger

Akimbo WSP Stinger Rear Grip

Increased rate of fire to 750rpm, up from 600rpm.


Heavy Bolts

Added initial aim accuracy benefit to all Heavy Bolts for Sniper Rifles.

Cronen INTLAS MSP-12 Optic

Laser is no longer visible to enemies at the hip.

SL Razorhawk Laser Light

Flashlight is no longer visible to enemies at the hip.

Laser is no longer visible to enemies at the hip.

CS15 Scarlet Box Laser

Laser is no longer visible to enemies.

Verdant Hook Box Laser

Laser is no longer visible to enemies at the hip.

VT-7 Spiritfire Suppressor Muzzle

Increased sprint to fire speed penalty to 5%, up from 2%.

L4R Flash Hider Muzzle

Decreased horizontal recoil control benefit to 10%, down from 13%.

DR-6 Handstop Underbarrel

Decreased aim down sight movement speed benefit by 3-4%, dependent upon Weapon Class.

Bruen Heavy Support Grip Underbarrel

Decreased horizontal recoil control benefit to 8%, down from 12%.

Patch Notes Loadout

» Lethal Equipment «


Damage radius decreased to 5m, down from 6.5m.

Outer damage increased to 110, up from 105.

E.O.D. will now prevent the victim from going down when stuck with a Semtex.

Semtex has been a dominant choice for quite some time. With these changes we are looking to provide more opportunities for other grenades to be a fair pick.

Breacher Drone

Damage radius increased to 10m, up from 3.5m.

Outer damage decreased to 75, down from 125.

Inner damage decreased to 155, down from 175.

Drone velocity increased to 0.75, up from 0.4.


Outer damage increased to 125, up from 100.

Inner damage increased to 250, up from 170.


Phase 1 burn damage increased to 20, up from 15.

Phase 2 burn damage increased to 35, up from 25.

Phase 3 burn damage increased to 40, up from 30.

Drill Charge


Outer damage increased to 77, up from 70.

Inner damage increased to 155, up from 140.

Not Burrowed

Outer damage increased to 77, up from 70.

Inner damage increased to 155, up from 140.

Round (Underbarrel)

Outer damage increased to 77, up from 70.

Inner damage increased to 155, up from 140.

Thermobaric Grenade

Outer damage increased to 110, up from 75.

Mid damage increased to 125, up from 80.

Inner damage increased to 155, up from 90.

Proximity Mine

When Triggered by a Player:

Damage Outer increased to 155, up from 105.

Damage Inner decreased to 225, down from 275.

When Triggered by Damage:

Damage Outer increased to 110, up from 105.


Radius increased to 7.8m, up from 6.5m.

Detonation Delay decreased to 0.05, down from 0.1.

Damage Inner increased to 275, up from 200.

Damage Outer increased to155, up from 105.

Velocity increased to 600, up from 425.

» Tactical Equipment «

Snapshot Grenade

Outline duration increased to 5 seconds, up from 1.65.

Outline radius increased to 15m, up from 9.5m.

Will now require Line of Sight.

Snapshots will now persist their outlines if the victim is in smoke.

Battle Hardened will counter this.

Within the current ecosystem of equipment we want to provide opportunities for counterplay. With Smokes being a dominant item, the Snapshot will now act as a direct counter. With this change we have required that Snapshots have line of sight when they perform the “snap” to reveal enemy players.

Scatter Mine

Outer damage decreased to 10, down from 25.

Inner damage decreased to 15, down from 25.

The mine will now debuff player movement for 3 seconds when they are hit by a mine.

Frangible Debuff – Players are unable to sprint, slide, or jump. Movement speed decreased.

» Killstreaks «

Mosquito Drone

The attack delay of the active drone increased to 3 seconds, up from 0.5 seconds.

This provides more time between when the drone sees you, activates (audible sound), and then flies to its attack destination.

The radius and height that the drone patrols has been slightly increased to perform better and create less issues with geometry below the drone.

The drones targeting has been widened slightly to provide better coverage within its patrol radius This helps to avoid unintended blind spots..

The visual for the killstreak on the maps will now be a static circle showcasing the danger/safety areas for the enemy/ally.

Damage radius increased to 10m, up from 6.3m.

Outer damage decreased to 175, down from  225.

Inner damage decreased to 250, down from 300.

Destroyed damage radius increased to 2.5m, up from 1.3m.

Destroyed outer and inner damage increased to 110, up from 75.

We have heard feedback both internally and externally that the Mosquito Drone inside of Warzone felt inconsistent and unpredictable at times. With these changes we are creating a clear definition of danger zones. Further we have tuned the timing and damage of the drone to better allow reflexive and predictive movements when targeted by the drone.

» Field Upgrades «

Armor Box

Reduced the number of armor plates supplied to 4, down from 6.

Additionally, we have reduced the price of an armor plate in the buy station from $500 to $300.

Patch Notes Allgemein

Squad Play Bonus

This system rewards players with additional Player, Weapon, and Battle Pass experience for playing consecutive matches with squadmates.

Individual bonuses increase incrementally if players finish a match with at least one of the following conditions met:

The player has at least one friend in their party

The player queued with Squad Fill enabled

The player queued with Stay with Squad enabled at the end of the previous match

Here is a breakdown of bonus progression for consecutive matches:

First – 1000  

Second – 1500

Third – 3000

Fourth & Above – 5000

Cinematic & Infil Improvements

We’ve increased the amount of time players are on screen to improve the overall flow and better showcase player operators.

Pick 5 ChallengesQuality of Life

Players may now select up to 5 challenges for easier tracking.

Patch Notes UI/UX

Operators Filter

Allows players to filter the Operators in the Operators Screen by Status, Games, and to sort them by Default, Newest First and Alphabetical Order.

Speakers Test Option in Settings Menu 

Allows players to configure and test their speakers setup in order to optimize their audio experience.

Cinematic Cutscenes

Seasonal cinematic cutscenes can now be skipped.

Firing Range Tac-Stance

Tac-Stance status is now indicated on the HUD in the Firing Range.

Mastery Emblem Unlock

Mastery Emblem unlock requirements are now displayed in the Customization menu.

Gunsmith Attachment Filters

Changed filter combination logic from AND to OR.

Selected filters are now reset after each game session.

Removed redundant Locked and Unlocked filters.

Filters button now displays actively engaged filters.

Clear Team Pings Quality of Life

Added an option in the Ping Wheel to clear squad pings.

This option will clear all pings from a player’s screen. This means that the player’s own pings will be deleted while squad member pings will be cleared only from the player’s perspective.

Custom Perk Pack Flow Quality of Life

When creating a new loadout, if no Custom Perk Packages exist, one will be created with the “starter” perks and equipped. 

If a Custom Perk Package does exist, the new Loadout will use the player’s first Custom Perk Package.

Hold to Stow Duplicate Items Improvement Quality of Life

Users can now Hold to Stow items that they already have equipped. 

Improved Ranked Messaging when Kicked Quality of Life

Added more clarity to Ranked messaging when kicked due to incomplete squad.

Redeploy Pack and Gulag Token Conversion in Loot Feed Quality of Life

When Redeploy Packs and Gulag Tokens are converted to money when the gulag closes, that money amount will now appear on the loot feed.

Prestige Levels Display Quality of Life

Prestige levels will now show in the Warzone progression menu.

Patch Notes Bugfixes

Fixed an issue preventing eliminated players from dropping armor plates if they haven’t looted armor plates.

Fixed an issue where players that rapidly opened and closed the buystation could not interact with it.

Fixed an issue where self revive would display both “Swap” and “Hold to Stow” prompts if player had a full inventory and one already equipped.

Fixed an issue causing the incorrect voice lines to play from a Bunker Buster.

Fixed an issue causing Redeploy Packs to stay in the player’s backpack after the Gulag closes.

Fixed an issue causing players to be redirected to Resurgence Ranked Play after completing a Battle Royal match.

Fixed an issue preventing supply boxes on the Research Vessel from appearing after a player activates a Supply UAV.

Fixed an issue preventing the “stow” prompt to appear when looting a Plate Carrier.

Fixed an issue causing the “Toggle Mute” option to be non-functional while in a match.

Fixed an issue causing the Loadout selection to remain on screen during the infil cinematic.

Fixed an issue causing “fist” eliminations to incorrectly display on the elimination cam.

Fixed an issue causing the JAK Purifier audio to be silent when on an ascender or zipline.

Fixed an issue where players were seeing all Champion’s Quest rewards after any CQ match.

Fixed an issue causing duplicate splashes to appear when Most Wanted time is reduced after opening crates.

Call of Duty: Warzone ist ein beliebter Battle-Royale-Shooter, der regelmäßig mit neuen Updates versorgt wird. Am 21. März 2024 ging es auch auf mobilen Geräten los. Wir verraten euch, was ihr zu dem Shooter wissen müsst: CoD Warzone Mobile startet heute – Das müsst ihr wissen

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