Die NetherRealm Studios haben das Januar-Update für Mortal Kombat 1 veröffentlicht. Die englischen Patchnotes lesen sich folgendermaßen:
PC Steam & Epic Games Store
Added Ray Tracing option via Settings > Graphics section for supported hardware to enable ray traced reflections on certain stages and characters
Added Display Language option via Settings > Video & Audio > Video section
Added Audio Language option via Settings > Video & Audio > Audio section
Added Reset Shaders Cache option via Settings > Graphics > Actions
Moved the Settings > Graphics AA Mode option to be nested in the Upscaling section to better indicate interaction with Upscaling Method option
Resolved an issue on boot with Windows Accounts containing certain text characters
Resolved various performance related issues during Fatality sequences
Resolved certain visual issues during various cinematic sequences
Resolved various UI elements being cutoff in certain cases
Resolved visual issues when playing at certain frame rates
Resolved error prompt when making a store purchase
Resolved issues with Voice Chat in some scenarios
Resolved an issue with input UI during Tutorials
Resolved issues with Steam overlay
Resolved various stability issues
Further optimized PSO Shader Cache generation flow
Improvements to Screen Reader in certain languages
Various localization updates and fixes
Nintendo Switch
Entering and exiting the pause menu during online practice no longer causes latency increases
Friends only tab in Kombat League should now populate correctly
General Fixes & Adjustments
Move list corrections & Localization fixes
AI adjustments & improvements
Improvements to Screen Reader functionality
Added Conan Fighter to Roster
Added Age of Conan skins for Ashrah, Baraka, & Geras
Fixed several visual issues during brutalities
PlayStation 5 Pro
Added Ray Tracing support for reflections
Character Specific Adjustments
Main Fighters
While Blood Bath tether is active it will continuously drain Havik’s health and grant him meter
Blood Bath now only possible when below 30% health
Added new move (Air) Enhanced Fan Toss
Added new move (Air) Reverse Fan Toss
Added new move (Air) Enhanced Reverse Fan Toss
Added new move Wind Bomb Squall
Added new move Electric Overcharge
Added new move Electric Discharge
Added new move (Air) Reap The Whirlwind
Added new move (Air) Enhanced Reap The Whirlwind
Assassin Throwing Stars and Enhanced Assassin Throwing Stars are now destroyed by opponent’s projectiles
Pain Knee from Enhanced Charging Pain now has a different reaction
Fixed rare issue that could cause Sweeping Scorpion Tail (B+3) to sometimes do 3 hits when blocked or hit armor
Shang Tsung
When morphed into Ghostface and swapped to an Alternate Killer, Shang Tsung will no longer morph back until returned to Original Killer
Fixed specific sequence using Kameo Kopy to turn into Khameleon causing Kameo Kopy move to become disabled for an extended period
Fixed visual issue with Kameo Kopy interrupted at specific timing when opponent is using Ferra
Fixed rare issue that could occur during endurance fights that could cause lingering visuals when Shang Tsung is defeated
Fixed some of Witch Slam, Enhanced Witch Slam, Behind You, and Too Late damage not correctly applying some damage buffs
Fixed an opponent caught in capture foam being able to sometimes go through Kameo Frost Ice Wall
Fixed lingering sound effects on Bionic Blast (Hold 2) when losing a match
Fixed rare issues where Alternate Killer could be prevented from swapping back to Billy when hit by certain attacks on the same frame as Killer timer ran out
Fixed issues with stun attacks causing combo to reset if used at specific timing after Knife Toss Fakeout
Fixed temporary restriction preventing player from performing Knife Toss Fakeout
Fixed missing sound effects on some attacks
Fixed missing sound effects when Alternate Killers are hit by some attacks
Kameo Fighters
Darrius (Kameo)
Fixed Darrius rapidly moving outside of the arena when performing Ground Invitational in certain corner circumstances
Sektor (Kameo)
Fixed issue that was causing Straight Missile Fatal Blow to not become invulnerable after hitting opponent
Straight Missile (Fatal Blow) now has 4 more startup frames when not in a combo & no longer has armor
Scorpion (Kameo)
Flame Aura has a different reaction against Kameos, deals extra damage, and adds a victim flame visual effects
Flame Aura can now hit airborne Kameos
Flame Aura drains 50% Kameo meter from the opponent if it hits an opponent’s Kameo
Sub-Zero (Kameo)
Fixed Deep Freeze facing wrong direction if performed at specific timing against a teleporting opponent
Shujinko (Kameo)
Shujinko can now perform Borrow: Psychotic Dive to Prone Stab against Ghostface
Fixed Mimic: Enhanced Backstage Pass when performed against Ghostface sometimes missing if the opponent is in the corner
Motaro (Kameo)
Fixed issue that was causing Charge! Fatal Blow to not become invulnerable after hitting opponent
Fixed Uppercut (Down + Back Punch) & Fatal Blow attacks doing incorrect damage against Motaro
Tremor (Kameo)
Attacks that cause push forward block reaction will now cause Crystal Armor hit reaction to push forward
Ferra (Kameo)
Fixed Uppercut (Down + Back Punch) & Fatal Blow attacks doing incorrect damage against Ferra